SALE Quick view Details sku: MM680 Cubik Boom - Your Rubik Cube Explodes into Smarties - New Creation in Christ - Change & Transformation MSRP: £59.95 Was: £59.95 Now: £52.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM877P Cups & Balls - DiFatta - Perform The Most Famous Trick in Magic - A Guaranteed Crowd Pleaser MSRP: £6.95 Was: £6.95 Now: £3.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM164 Cut it Out this Christmas - Cut Out All the Christmas Nonsense with Just One Cut - Wrapping Paper Magic MSRP: £9.95 Was: £9.95 Now: £5.95 Choose Options
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM292 Dalmatian Dog Silk Set - Forgiveness & Healing - x3 Beautifully Printed 18 inch Silks - A dog can change its spots! MSRP: £31.95 Was: £31.95 Now: £25.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM837 Days of the Week - A Card Matching Miracle that Anyone Can Do - Daily Bread MSRP: £10.95 Was: £10.95 Now: £5.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM462 Daytona Traffic Lights - A Fun Audience Fooler - When God say Yes, No and Watch Out! MSRP: £21.95 Was: £21.95 Now: £15.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM341 Difatta Comedy Funnel - Aluminium - Hilarious Routine - Streams of Living Water MSRP: £42.95 Was: £42.95 Now: £36.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM606 DiFatta Passe Passe Die - The Die Vanishes & Appears - Classic Magic Audiences Love - God Keeps His Promises MSRP: £52.95 Was: £52.95 Now: £42.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM602 DiFatta's Botania - A HUGE Bouquet of Flowers Appears! - Show Stopping Effect at a Bargain Price MSRP: £44.95 Was: £44.95 Now: £34.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM564 DiFatta's Matchless Spots - A Baffling Pocket Trick with Jumping Spots MSRP: £8.95 Was: £8.95 Now: £4.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM180 Diminishing Milk - Fit a Pint into a Quart Glass! - Impossible Liquid Magic - Powerful Illustration of God Becoming Man MSRP: £32.95 Was: £32.95 Now: £24.95 Choose Options
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM185 DISCO Prediction - Impossible Colour Prediction with Six Discs - Easy Entertaining Mind Magic MSRP: £11.95 Was: £11.95 Now: £6.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM680 Cubik Boom - Your Rubik Cube Explodes into Smarties - New Creation in Christ - Change & Transformation Cubik Boom is simple, visual and brilliant magic combining two children's favourites, a Rubik's Cube and sweets. A Rubik's Cube is shown on all sides and placed into a transparent container. The lid is put on, and the container is shaken. BOOM! The... MSRP: £59.95 Was: £59.95 Now: £52.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM877P Cups & Balls - DiFatta - Perform The Most Famous Trick in Magic - A Guaranteed Crowd Pleaser Cups and Balls is not only the oldest trick in magic but is a rite of passage for all who profess the title of magician. With a little practice you can make the balls appear and disappear, travel from under one cup to another. Easy to learn... MSRP: £6.95 Was: £6.95 Now: £3.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM164 Cut it Out this Christmas - Cut Out All the Christmas Nonsense with Just One Cut - Wrapping Paper Magic "Everyone enjoyed this fun trick but it also drove home big point when I asked if Jesus would be in their Christmas." - Dave Bennett With this cutting-edge effect, you can cut out eight green squares from a sheet of wrapping paper with just one... MSRP: £9.95 Was: £9.95 Now: £5.95 Choose Options
SALE Quick view sku: MM292 Dalmatian Dog Silk Set - Forgiveness & Healing - x3 Beautifully Printed 18 inch Silks - A dog can change its spots! Simply beautiful silks. The first set Mark at Mission Magic ever bought and used! This outstanding set of three 18 inch silks is printed in distinctive red, white and black making them ideal for audiences of any size. The theme - a dog that changes... MSRP: £31.95 Was: £31.95 Now: £25.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM837 Days of the Week - A Card Matching Miracle that Anyone Can Do - Daily Bread Days of the Week is a self-working card matching miracle with a Monday to Sunday theme. You'll be amazing your friends and family minutes after reading the instructions. The deck contains 14 colourful cards, two cards for each day of the... MSRP: £10.95 Was: £10.95 Now: £5.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM462 Daytona Traffic Lights - A Fun Audience Fooler - When God say Yes, No and Watch Out! Take your audience on a wild goose chase with the Daytona Traffic Light trick. The audience thinks they've caught you cheating, and all the time you're just stringing them along. No-one will be expecting the two surprises at the end. A great... MSRP: £21.95 Was: £21.95 Now: £15.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM341 Difatta Comedy Funnel - Aluminium - Hilarious Routine - Streams of Living Water This is a fantastically funny funnel! Your volunteer drinks some water, this funnel is placed under their elbow and a second volunteer 'pumps' their arm up and down. It's a hilarious sight, as water pours out of the funnel and into a glass... MSRP: £42.95 Was: £42.95 Now: £36.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM606 DiFatta Passe Passe Die - The Die Vanishes & Appears - Classic Magic Audiences Love - God Keeps His Promises Passe Passe Die is not just a trick; it's a whole routine and one that audiences LOVE. First, the large solid die disappears from one tube and appears inside the other. This can be repeated as many times as you want (or as long as the audience... MSRP: £52.95 Was: £52.95 Now: £42.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM602 DiFatta's Botania - A HUGE Bouquet of Flowers Appears! - Show Stopping Effect at a Bargain Price Say it with flowers with DiFatta's Botania! Imagine the reaction when you produce a HUGE bouquet of flowers magically appears from an empty tube. And we mean HUGE. A 50 cm diameter bouquet of 31 colourful flowers. Don't be surprised when you hear gasps... MSRP: £44.95 Was: £44.95 Now: £34.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM564 DiFatta's Matchless Spots - A Baffling Pocket Trick with Jumping Spots This is a real fooler. You'll love the oh-so-clever gimmick as much as your spectators love the effect. At the click of your fingers, the dots on the end of one matchbox magically jump to the other. It's a magical teleportation of dots - a... MSRP: £8.95 Was: £8.95 Now: £4.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM180 Diminishing Milk - Fit a Pint into a Quart Glass! - Impossible Liquid Magic - Powerful Illustration of God Becoming Man Splash out on some liquid magic as you pour a pint into a quart glass! A large glass of milk is poured into a glass half its size, filling it to the brim, but not a drop more! 'Whoa! How does it fit? Do it again' 'Certainly,' you say and pour... MSRP: £32.95 Was: £32.95 Now: £24.95 Choose Options
SALE Quick view sku: MM185 DISCO Prediction - Impossible Colour Prediction with Six Discs - Easy Entertaining Mind Magic Give DISCO Prediction a spin. We predict it'll be this year's magical hit. Six colour discs are taken out of the bag. The discs are placed face down and shuffled. A sealed envelope with a prediction inside is placed next to them. Your... MSRP: £11.95 Was: £11.95 Now: £6.95 Add to Cart