Product Description
This Wilful Walnut has a mind of its own.
Holding the two ends of the string on which the walnut is threaded. The walnut slides down the string, stops, falls slowly and then falls quickly. It does everything but what it's supposed to do. When given to any spectator the walnut just slides freely up and down the string.
The Wilful Walnut is a magical comedy routine. A fun way to illustrate the importance of listening to parents, teachers and of course God.
PRESENTATION 1 - The walnut threaded onto a string, a handmade present from a young nephew. You love it but need to figure out what it is; a toy, a Christmas decoration, a french version of conkers? Holding the string by both ends the walnut falls all the way down it. The second time it stops in the middle. Then things go nutty; it starts to move by itself. Then it starts to react to your commands until it stop and start when you, and your audience call out.
PRESENTATION 2 - You introduce your pet walnut. 'He's on a lease, so he doesn't run away!' You explain how you've been training him. 'Let me show you!' you say proudly. 'FALL!' but he refuses to budge, defying gravity. When you say 'STAY!' he slips down the rope and hits your finger with a THUNK! It's SO frustrating and painful having such a disobedient walnut. I wonder if God feels the same way about us?
Practically self-working, the walnut is always under your control. Pop it in your pocket and you're ready with a fun comedy routine for one person, an audience or congregation.
The Wilful Walnut - it's one pocket trick people go nuts for!
Comes complete with a gimmicked plastic walnut (4.5cm diameter) on white nylon string with beaded ends and written instructions.