Product Description
Pass a coin into a sealed bottle right before your spectators' eyes.
Start by borrowing a coin and placing it on your palm. Then slam it against the base of the bottle. The coin visibly penetrates the glass, appearing inside the bottle, rattling around. At the end of the performance, you can hand out the bottle, coin and cork for your audience to examine. There's nothing suspicious to be found.
The coin visibly appears to melt through the glass. This effect is direct and powerful as your spectators both see AND hear the magic happening.
Thanks to the precision-made gimmick, this professional effect is extremely easy to perform (and it doesn't involve a folding coin!) In no time, you'll be able to present this incredible effect using ANY coin in any currency up to 25mm in diameter.
Perfect Coin in Bottle is well-named; it's perfect for close-up, walk-around and impromptu magic, and also serves as a fantastic climax for your favourite coin effect. Whether you're a beginner, an amateur or a seasoned professional, you'll find something special in this effect.
For church workers, it provides a powerful illustration of any message about Christ living in us. As the coin rattles about inside the bottle, you can explain how Christ makes his home in our hearts through faith. (Eph. 3:17) And how we possess this great treasure in earthen vessels. (2 Cor. 4:6)
Stylish, simple and impactful. You'll love using Perfect Coin Bottle in your performances or just for fun.
Isn't it time you hit the bottle?
Comes complete with: heavy weight glass bottle (6 cm diameter, 5.5cm high), chunky cork (4.5cm diameter 2.5cm high) , gimmick and complete instructions - everything you need for a confident first performance.