Product Description
This pen will pass harmlessly through a borrowed banknote, a credit card, a business card, a DVD, a plastic cup or a playing card.
Penetration effects are very popular for their sheer impossibility, and this is the perfect 'pen'eration!
Borrow a £10 note, take a pen out of your pocket and with one swift movement stab the note. The pen penetrates the middle of the note, the pen is clearly stuck right through the middle. Then a magic word and the pen is ripped from the note, and yet there's no hole! The £10 is entirely unharmed. What! How! Your disbelieving audience can examine both the note and the pen.
One of the easiest tricks to perform. It's all the more impossible as it uses everyday objects and both the note and the pen can be examined. They'll never work out how you did it (and you did it very well!)
Carry this pen with you and you're always ready for an astonishing penetration effect with almost anything people keep in their wallet.
Professional magicians have long known the impact this has and use it in their close-up sets. For church workers, it's an attention-grabbing effect for youth groups or outreach. A fun introduction for any message about money or a talk about what we value in life. What do people write and say about us? How much money do we have? Is the pen mightier than the sword? It certainly seems more magical.
DiFatta's Pen Through Anything comes complete with an ingeniously gimmicked pen and exclusive printed instructions.