Product Description
The disciples caught fish and now you can with Let's Go Fish! and there's not a drop of water in sight.
Let's Go Fish! is a fun biblical fishing game with a photo-realistic animatronic fish, that looks and moves like a real fish. It's a good size - 26cm long - and is easily recharged the USB cable provided. The real carbon fibre fishing pole has a magnet 'hook' that lets you catch the fish.
Your excited volunteer is given the rod and asked to catch a fish from the large paper bag. After a couple of tries they land the big one, a realistic wriggling animatronic fish. FIN-TASTIC! Ask everyone what the first symbol of Christianity was. Here's a clue, it wasn't the cross. Explain that the Greek word for fish is ICHTHUS, an acronym for 'Jesus Christ, God's Son, Saviour.'
Let's Go Fish is a great illustration for DOZENS of different biblical stories; from Jonah to the Feeding of the 5,000. Remember when Peter spent all night fishing and caught nothing. Now you can catch the excitement of Jesus miraculously filling Peter's nets with wriggling fish.
No time to go fishing? Pull the wriggling fish from your inside pocket. That's one object lesson everyone will remember.
Let's Go Fish! is recommended for any church and youth worker looking for a fun game and message all wrapped into one. 'Plaice' your order now!
The Bible is full of topics and stories that are linked to fish and fishermen.
- DISCIPLESHIP - 'Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matt 4:19.
- MIRACLES - 'They caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.' Luke 5:6
- KINGDOM OF HEAVEN - 'The kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish.' Matt 13:47
- THE RESURRECTION - 'They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence.' Luke 24:42-43
- GOD'S GOODNESS - 'Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?' Luke 11:11
Create a link to almost ANY topic by using a fishing idiom or phrase:
- 'Even a fish can stay out of trouble if it would learn to keep its mouth shut' - Keep a guard on what comes out of our mouths.
- 'Swim against the stream' - Christians often have to go against the flow of society.
- 'Fish always stink from the head downwards' - Keep a guard on your thoughts.
You'll discover many more ways to use this animatronic fish.
'Let's not be koi. There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.' Bring the fish up to your mouth and start to play a tune on it (there's a small harmonica hidden in your hand). 'It's a TUNE-A-FISH!' Cast around for a few more laughs, then toss the fish into the audience. 'Flying fish!'
'Any-fin' is possible with Let's Go Fish! So 'plaice' your order now. If we've missed any fish puns, let minnow!
Comes complete with: one 26cm photo-realistic animatronic fish with USB charging cable, a carbon fibre telescopic fishing rod with line and magnetic 'hook', jumbo sized branded fish and chip bag and our exclusive booklet filled with ideas, routines, gags and jokes.