Product Description
This has the ZOOM SEAL OF APPROVAL! Perform your magic online now! This trick is ideal for being performed to camera as well as to a live audience.

Turning water to wine is one of Jesus' most famous miracles, along with walking on water. We can't teach you how to take a stroll over your neighbour's swimming pool, but we can help you turn water into a cheeky little Cabernet.
Water to wine is much more than an illustration of the miracle at Cana. Wine is mentioned 212 times in the Bible. Jesus chose wine as a symbol of his blood, which links it into themes of salvation, forgiveness and the coming Kingdom. To get you up and running we provide you 7 MESSAGES you can illustrate with this effect.
- Help us to Believe
- We are Precious
- A Generous God
- This is His Blood Shed for You
- Jesus - God and Creator
- God Cares about every aspect of our lives
- The Kingdom of God is like a Banquet
BONUS - we provide you with EVERYTHING YOU NEED for an immediate start - that includes the water bottles and 2 large wine glasses.
- Self working magic perfect for beginners (and experienced professionals!)
- This is REAL RED WINE - the audience can taste it. What more proof could they have!
- A reputation maker!
Our exclusive 12 page instruction booklet includes step-by-step instructions, performance notes, outlines of messages and detailed handling tips.
A safe, easy and powerful piece of magic that ideal for any church service, party, wedding or celebration.
Water to wine? We'll drink to that!
Comes complete with: 2 large wine glasses, 2 plastic water bottles, our exclusive 12 page instruction booklet packed with routines, performance tips and relevant verses, and the necessary 'gimmicks' you'll need to perform the miracle.