Product Description
Say it with flowers in the most magical way possible.
Your polka-dot bag may look empty, but when you reach into it you produce a large transparent box full of colourful paper flowers! Next, you produce a SECOND box of flowers, show the empty bag and then conjure up a THIRD box. When stacked, the boxes are taller than the bag! A highly visual production that ALWAYS gets gasps from the audience
This magical flower production from Empire Magic is an outstanding illusion that's easy to perform, even surrounded. You'll be performing this classic of magic within minutes of opening this trick. We particularly like Empire's version of this effect as the bag is colourful and hard-wearing, with a lot more pizzazz than the plain paper bags found in other sets. Plus, these are BIG stage-sized boxes, guaranteeing everyone can see and enjoy your magic.
Suitable for professionals, amateurs and beginners alike it's a must-have effect for any church worker. Why? Because it can illustrate ANY three-point message, such as: God's Gifts: when God comes into our lives, he fills them with Love, Joy and Hope! God Provides: Even in the most challenging situations, God can answer prayer and meet our needs. Use all year round at Christmas, Easter, Harvest, parties and celebrations. You'll find yourself reaching for this effect again and again.
Looking for an extra special ending? Produce a long, colourful silk streamer after the final box: a rainbow of colours that reminds us that God always keeps his promises. SPECIAL OFFER - Save £1 if you buy a 9-foot silk streamer at the same time. Click on the option above.
This is one of our favourite visual effects, it will delight any audience and comes with our highest recommendations.
Comes complete with: 3 gimmicked Flower Boxes (20x10x10 cm), a hard-wearing red and white polka dot bag and Empire exclusive instructions. Everything you need for a polished first performance.