Quick view Details sku: MM316 Flash Paper - A Safe Dramatic Burst of Flame - Our Sins go up in Smoke! MSRP: Was: Now: £11.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM958 Vanishing Fire Torch - by DiFatta - The Safe Way To Make Fire Appear & Disappear - Holy Spirit & Pentecost MSRP: £19.95 Was: £19.95 Now: £14.95 Add to Cart
Quick view Details sku: MM225 Fire From Hand - A Spectacular Effect - Flames Dance On Your Palm - The Fire of Pentecost - The Holy Spirit MSRP: Was: Now: £12.95 Choose Options
Quick view Details sku: MM284 Holy Spirit Fire Can - 3 Effects with 1 Can - Flames, Liquid and Scarves appear as if by magic. MSRP: Was: Now: £33.95 Add to Cart
Quick view Details sku: MM073 Vernet Thumb Tip Flame - Let a real flame dance in your hands. Astonishing. Safe & easy to do. MSRP: Was: Now: £12.95 Add to Cart
Quick view Details sku: MM108 Flash Bang Wand - Double Shot - Shoot Out Flames From Your Wand - Kids LOVE This Effect MSRP: Was: Now: £22.95 Add to Cart
Quick view Details sku: MM040R Hot Bible - Flames Burst from Your Bible! - Guaranteed to Get Gasps - Pentecost. Holy Spirit. MSRP: Was: Now: £42.95 Add to Cart
Quick view Details sku: MM070D Magnetic Locking Fire Wallet - by DiFatta - Money to Burn! - Holy Spirit & Pentecost MSRP: Was: Now: £18.95 Pre-Order Now
SALE Quick view Details sku: MM633 Mago's Burnt Donuts - A Whole Comedy Routine - Fire Magic - Multiplying Donuts - Bitten & Restored Donut - Brilliant! MSRP: £62.95 Was: £62.95 Now: £49.95 Add to Cart
Quick view Details sku: MM751 Miraculous Fire - Electronic Thumbtip Sparker - Lightning at your finger tips - Light a candle or flash paper by touch MSRP: Was: Now: £49.95 Add to Cart
Quick view Details sku: MM434V Vanishing Candle - Blow Out the Flame & Make The Long Candle Disappear - Jesus Light of the World MSRP: Was: Now: £29.95 Add to Cart
Quick view Details sku: MM178 Finger Flasher - Burst of flames from you finger tips! Holy Spirit. A flash of Inspriation. 101 bible verses about fire MSRP: Was: Now: £10.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM316 Flash Paper - A Safe Dramatic Burst of Flame - Our Sins go up in Smoke! WOOSH! This paper burns at an incredible speed, leaving no residue. In a FLASH, it's gone, adding a thrilling burst of flame to your next performance. Flash paper is a versatile tool that can add instant drama to any magical effect... MSRP: Was: Now: £11.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view sku: MM958 Vanishing Fire Torch - by DiFatta - The Safe Way To Make Fire Appear & Disappear - Holy Spirit & Pentecost Demonstrate your mastery over this elemental force. The safest way to produce and vanish fire in your shows. Fire has always held a fascination for audiences, so all eyes are on your as the torch in your hand bursts into flames a full 4 inches... MSRP: £19.95 Was: £19.95 Now: £14.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM225 Fire From Hand - A Spectacular Effect - Flames Dance On Your Palm - The Fire of Pentecost - The Holy Spirit Unleash the power of the elements with Fire From Hand. Fire has always held a fascination. Now, you can hold the audience's attention in the palm of your hands as the flames dance on your palm. Safe, easy to do. An unforgettable... MSRP: Was: Now: £12.95 Choose Options
Quick view sku: MM284 Holy Spirit Fire Can - 3 Effects with 1 Can - Flames, Liquid and Scarves appear as if by magic. Dramatic and unforgettable. 3 effects with one prop. Best of all it's self working - perfect for beginners and a great prop for the professional. EFFECT You show everyone the silver polished can. Removing the lid you drop in a lit... MSRP: Was: Now: £33.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM073 Vernet Thumb Tip Flame - Let a real flame dance in your hands. Astonishing. Safe & easy to do. Reach up and pluck the flame from the candle, letting it burn between your thumb and fingers. Astonishing visual magic that's perfect for church services, school assemblies, youth groups and parties. Best of all it's designed for complete... MSRP: Was: Now: £12.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM108 Flash Bang Wand - Double Shot - Shoot Out Flames From Your Wand - Kids LOVE This Effect This is one effect we guarantee you'll be remembered for. Point the Flash Bang Wand in any direction and shoot two balls of fire out of the end, with a BANG! Kids LOVE it and adults are taken aback. It'll become the highlight of your show... MSRP: Was: Now: £22.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM040R Hot Bible - Flames Burst from Your Bible! - Guaranteed to Get Gasps - Pentecost. Holy Spirit. Open your Bible and WOOSH! it bursts into FLAMES! This fire effects ALWAYS gets a gasp. Looks just like a Bible with it's plain black hard cover, gold leaf pages and BIBLE printed on the front in gold leaf. The flames are... MSRP: Was: Now: £42.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM070D Magnetic Locking Fire Wallet - by DiFatta - Money to Burn! - Holy Spirit & Pentecost With DiFatta's Fire Wallet you have money to burn! Imagine the commotion when you open up your wallet and it bursts into flames! 'I'm burning thru my cash today.' Open it up again and it's just an ordinary wallet. (Take out a burnt... MSRP: Was: Now: £18.95 Pre-Order Now
SALE Quick view sku: MM633 Mago's Burnt Donuts - A Whole Comedy Routine - Fire Magic - Multiplying Donuts - Bitten & Restored Donut - Brilliant! It's true, everything is better with donuts, especially when it's Mago's Burnt Donuts! We fell in love with this trick as soon as we saw it performed. It's EVERYTHING an entertainer and church worker wants—a fun theme, quality props, multiple... MSRP: £62.95 Was: £62.95 Now: £49.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM751 Miraculous Fire - Electronic Thumbtip Sparker - Lightning at your finger tips - Light a candle or flash paper by touch 21st century electronic wizardry give you the power of lightening at your finger tips! Make a spark jumps across the tip of your thumb whenever you want! THE EFFECT Reach out and touch a prepare candle and see it burst into flame. Light the... MSRP: Was: Now: £49.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM434V Vanishing Candle - Blow Out the Flame & Make The Long Candle Disappear - Jesus Light of the World We could wax lyrical about this vanishing candle. "...really easy to do, even with a vent puppet on one hand, and clearly visible even in a church of 400 people." Chris Newman Blow out the flame on the long white candle and make it... MSRP: Was: Now: £29.95 Add to Cart
Quick view sku: MM178 Finger Flasher - Burst of flames from you finger tips! Holy Spirit. A flash of Inspriation. 101 bible verses about fire You’ve heard of a flash in the pan, how about a flash in the hand! Easy to use, perfect for those new to magic. The handy utility prop that you can use in almost any presentation to add a little flash of showbiz! Perfect for Pentecost... MSRP: Was: Now: £10.95 Add to Cart