Product Description
A festive twist on the classic of magic, the Colour Changing Wreaths.
Great colour changing magic to use all the year round.
Easy to do visual magic that fills the biggest of stages with seasonal colour. Perfect for your next Christmas service or assembly.
Bring out a cloth bag, and remove three white feather rings. You can even flash the inside of the bag to the audience. Place a feather ring into the bag, thread a red silk through the centre hole, and the ring comes out red! Repeat with the other two rings, and they change to yellow and green. Finally, place all three coloured rings back into the bag, and thread all three silks through the centre hole.
You remove the rings, and apparently nothing has happened. Then, you toss the three rings into the air, and they instantly change into a big tri-coloured ring!
Christmas Presentation
Now it comes with a festive message and an action-packed comedy Gospel routine. Written in rhyming verse and with several magical moments. Three children are picked out to play the three kings, and they make the magic happen in this empowering effect that wows children and adults!
The performer explains that there’s a fancy dress party in the stable to celebrate the birth of the newborn King!
Who’s on the guest list? The 3 Wise Men! And they’re coming dressed as angels with the white wreaths as halos.
“But what did they choose, those travelling kings?
I’ll give you a clue, they’ve got big white wings…
No, not a plane, not a pigeon or dove
They went dressed as angels, from heaven above!”
The 3 white halos magically change into red, green and yellow halos. The Wise Men argue over who should have which one but there’s a magical solution and an unexpected twist!
The 3 halos are tossed into the air where they visibly transform into one giant multi-coloured halo. WOW!
Of course, their costumes don’t matter in the end because God accepts us just as we are.
Professionally Tested
Road-tested in Dan’s own Christmas magic shows, Dan says…
“The Colour Changing Wreaths work especially well as halos. They’re big, bright and visual, and it always a get an ‘ooh’ when three become one in mid-air! Add the nativity story for a winning winter routine!”
Great as a standalone effect, or add it in to YOUR own nativity plays to incorporate extra magic and colour!
- Complete professional script written in rhyming verse
- Perform yourself or with up to three volunteers
- Festive colours, but can also be used all year round
A professional quality durable set of halos.
These are heavy-duty woollen rings which will last longer than the feathered versions, and are bigger and brighter.
Colourful visual magic, ideal for the biggest stage or congregation with a memorable nativity message
Halo…is it me you’re looking for? ORDER TODAY!
You will receive: Professional wool colour changing wreaths set (gimmicked ring, 3 x white wreaths and 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green), 3 x matching durable coloured handkerchiefs, original instructions and Dan’s full rhyming routine with bonus ideas.