Product Description
'I have been using this trick for over 6 years now. Overall the actual trick gets 5 stars, it's in my every routine. Definitely a great addition to any kids show program.' Bob
Separate the red and white beads mixed inside the glass in an instant!
This is an astonishing effect that practically works itself. Red and white beads are mixed and shaken together in a glass. Then, in a single move the beads are separated; the red beads in one glass and the white beads in the other.
If you can pour the beads from one glass into another, you can do this trick. It really is that simple to do.
Highly visual effect making it perfect for any stage performer or church worker who wants to make an impact. Present it as a magic trick or play it for comedy. How about this for a fun routine. First separate the beads behind your volunteer's back. Then repeat, but this time let the audience in on the secret. The third time you reveal it to the volunteer. Their mouth drops at the absurd simplicity of the trick. It's easy...if you know how!
Church workers can use this to illustrate any talk with the theme of separation:
- The Exodus - 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.' Exodus 20:2
- He Takes Away Our Sins - 'Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!' John 1:29
- Holiness - As believers, we are literally 'set apart', in other words made holy. 'Be holy, because I am holy.' Leviticus 11:45
- Distinctively Christian - 'Everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.' John 13:35
- The Last Day - 'He will separate one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.' Matt 25:32
Bazar De Magia's Cocktail of Beads is easy visual magic that you can present in dozens of different ways. It's a keeper.
Comes complete with: Two plastic tumblers (13cm high & 7.5cm diameter mouth), rosy red and pure white beads and step by step instructions.